Dov Alpert

Dov Alpert

UXD | Content Strategy | Content Development | SEO


I’m Dov, a multidisciplinary strategist and designer specializing in UX design, content strategy, content development, and SEO. Driven by divergent discovery and convergent solution-finding, my approach to exploration, experimentation, and critical analysis leads to thoughtful and effective results.

By integrating research, data, and genuine empathy, I design seamless digital experiences, optimize content for discoverability, and create scalable strategies that ensure each touchpoint delights the user while advancing business goals.

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  • discover
  • define
  • create
  • iterate


Chapter 1: The Golden Rule

A summer UX Design intensive becomes my meet cute story with the Double Diamond method.

The Double Diamond Method, introduced during a UX Design certification course in NYC, revolutionized my approach to problem-solving. While our instructors emphasized that “we are not the user,” the method’s brilliance lay in how it engineered empathy into the design process itself. By guiding designers through structured steps to quantify user needs and qualify pain points, the method produces inherently user-centered designs.

For me, something deeper was unfolding. As a former teacher, I saw several times how tools that help students work within their unique learning style can lead to remarkable results. Within UX design, I found a framework that enables the interplay between divergent and convergent thinking, resonating strongly with my own natural process. This recognition was liberating, and the work of discovering the problem, solving the problem, and designing the solution became deeply satisfying.

Practice what you know and it will help you to make clear what you do not know. – Rembrandt

A thought about practicing empathy when it’s not baked into the process. Integrating others’ perspectives doesn’t mean sacrificing your own interests or adopting a lofty ideal. 

Working at a large scientific corporation, I demonstrated thinking about our audience’s perspective when I offered an idea for promoting our connection to the James Webb Space Telescope.

Rather than our usual pattern of a company focused post and email, I suggested a countdown series leading up to the launch featuring interesting JWST facts, culminating in an article from our content writer. This empathetic approach allowed us to participate in the scientific community’s excitement rather than merely advertise to them.

Chapter 2: Responsive Design

Continual Growth isn’t a mindset, it’s my MO.

Starting as a video producer at a science instrumentation company, the same UX principles —discover, define, develop, deliver—  helped me transform complex scientific concepts into accessible content. Initially, I followed scientists’ direction for translating their expertise into videos. As I gained a handle over the science, our instrumentation’s applications and the different industries we sold to, an unexpected problem emerged: The scientists, brilliant in their domain, sometimes struggled to take the end user’s perspective. My role evolved into bridging technical expertise with user needs.

When our company pivoted toward strengthening our SEO strategy, I went head first into understanding the ins and out of the SEO process. I found that the process mirrored UX design in its emphasis on understanding user behavior and iterating based on data. Researching how our users search for and interact with scientific content, grounding our content in the buyer’s funnel, and synthesizing all this into actionable strategy added a new dimension to my work. 

This new scope of work also reframed my approach to video strategy. Each new piece of knowledge about an industry or each SEO insight enriched my ability to make work that truly resonates. As the medium I had control over, video became my canvas for experimentation, leading to both an innovative YouTube series and a streamlined production strategy that increased output without sacrificing quality.

Don’t wait for insipiration. It comes while one is working. – Henri Matisse

One project I particularly enjoyed working on also became the catalyst for my decision to leave HORIBA. A series of articles highlighting Nobel laureate scientists who used HORIBA’s instrumentation was underperforming. To expand its reach, I proposed a YouTube series designed to attract a broader audience and drive traffic to the articles. 

The concept was to stage a HORIBA scientist being interviewed about the Nobel-winning research. With an international conference being hosted at our office in just a few weeks, we saw a strategic opportunity to feature a diverse range of scientists in the videos.

I’ve produced videos interviewing clients on their research, and I’ve directed HORIBA scientists on camera, but this project pushed me further. Writing scripts that conveyed expertise on complex scientific topics I knew little about, turning them around in a matter of weeks, and directing scientists, some of whom faced language barriers, to deliver natural, engaging interviews was a formidable challenge.

Somewhere between the experimental nature of the project and its unprecedented success on YouTube —an 1800% increase over average views in the first two weeks and nearly half of all new subscribers in its first month— I realized I had hit a plateau at HORIBA.  I wanted more opportunities like this, projects that challenged me, tested my creative instincts, and led to meaningful results.

Chapter 3: Best Practices

Discover, develop, deliver, iterate.

Later, as a marketing consultant, what began as a straightforward website redesign project revealed deeper organizational challenges. The website’s lack of direction was symptomatic of broader strategic gaps. I found myself leading initiatives that touched every aspect of the company’s growth strategy.

As my role evolved from marketing consultant to agent of holistic change, my mission remained constant: setting up my client for lasting success. And for each project —whether identifying key differentiators, refining internal workflows, or developing new market approaches— my methods followed the same rhythm of exploration and refinement that had become second nature to me. 

Throughout my career, the framework’s principles —define the problem, solve the problem, design the solution— have remained my foundation. The  diamond’s divergent-convergent rhythm harmonized my creative and analytical drives, offering a process where I convert complexity into clarity. It’s become more than just a problem-solving framework; it’s a lens that blends creative and strategic challenges, turning ordinary tasks into deeply satisfying work.

Curiosity, especially intellectual inquisitiveness, is what separates the truly alive from those who are merely going through the motions. – Tom Robbins

My artist manifesto: bring life into whatever I’m working on.

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Success in digital strategy lies at the intersection between business goals and user needs. These projects demonstrate how my approach aligns content strategy with user experience to create systematic solutions that drive measurable business outcomes.

Website Redesign


  • User interviews
  • Market, competitive & SEO analysis
  • Site content audit
  • User testing
  • UX writing & copywriting


  • 2x increase in organic traffic
  • Multiple top 15 SERP rankings
  • Featured snippet captured for targeted query

SEO Playbook


  • Educational research through webinars, articles, and expert consultations
  • Market analysis and goal setting
  • Buyer behavior research and trend analysis
  • Keyword research and value assessment
  • Content audit and SEO compliance evaluation
  • Content structure analysis and optimization planning
  • Sales funnel content mapping
  • Consultation with SEO platform experts (Brightedge)
  • Performance metrics and tracking framework
  • Documentation and playbook creation


  • Wide reaching ranking improvements including multiple #1 SERP result
  • Multiple featured snippet captured for targeted search queries

Case study coming soon

YouTube Strategy


  • YouTube competitive analysis
  • Benchmarking analysis of successful in-field content creators
  • Content audit of existing YouTube channels and assets
  • SEO research and keyword analysis
  • Align video concepts with business goals
  • Sales funnel alignment and content mapping
  • Topic value assessment and prioritization framework
  • Research synthesis and report writing
  • UX writing & copywriting


  • 15% on average increase in views from organic search
  • Featured snippet captured for targeted query

Case study coming soon

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